Certified Certification
Government "Government Recognised Star Export House"

Certified Certification

India's Trusted Manufacturer & Suppliers of Electrical Cable
Accessories, Earthing & Lightning Protection, Cable Jointing
& Termination Kit Components and Copper Braids .

Certified Certification

+91 22 6659 5027

About Us

Roller Ball Type Stainless Steel Cable Ties

Our range of roller type stainless steel cable are simple in construct and are easy to install. Engineered to perfection, these roller blades are used in various industries like construction, petro- chemicals, fire protection etc.

Features: - This roller ball design tie are self locking and very easy to install. - Fixing can be done by hand, tool & both.

Min. loop tensile strengthe : 4.6mm width (44.5kg) 100 lbs

Min. loop tensile strengthe : 7.9mm width (113.6kg) 250 lbs

Operating Temperature : 80°C to +150°C (Coated), 80°C to +538°C (UnCoated)

Types Of Roller Ball Type Stainless Steel Cable Ties

Stainless Steel Roller Ball Cable Ties

Stainless Steel Roller Ball Cable Ties
Roller Ball Type Stainless Steel Cable Ties

Roller Ball Type Stainless Steel Cable Ties
Roller Ball Cable Ties

Roller Ball Cable Ties


Construction, Automobile, Offshore, Petro-Chemical Industries, Fire Protection, Aerospace, Flame Proof Installation etc.


Length Width Max. Bundle Product Code
(mm) (mm) Dia (mm)
100 4.6 16 HH100
150 4.6 32 HH150
200 4.6 50 HH200
360 4.6 101 HH360
520 4.6 152 HH520
680 4.6 203 HH680
840 4.6 254 HH840
1000 4.6 298 HH1000
200 7.9 50 HH200 H
360 7.9 101 HH360H
520 7.9 152 HH520 H
680 7.9 203 HH680H
840 7.9 254 HH840H
1000 7.9 298 HH1000 H


  • Electrical Industry
  • Cements Industry
  • Electrical Contractor
  • Electrical Equipments
  • Manufacturing Industries
  • Sugar and paper Industry
  • Petrol & Chemical Industry